whoami (PhD @UF -> Research Scientist @GeorgiaTech)
I am a cybersecurity researcher with a PhD (2023) and MS (2017) in Computer Science from the University of Florida. My research focus is on supply-chain security in different domains (integrated circuit, additive manufacturing aka 3D printing, etc) and cyber-physical systems security. At Georgia Tech’s School of Cybersecurity & Privacy, I work with an amazing group (CPSec lab) of researchers.
- CCS’24: Release the Hounds! Automated Inference and Empirical Security Evaluation of Field-Deployed PLCs using Active Network Data (Second author). Featured in Georgia Tech (ECE) news. Keywords: CPSsecurity, PLCs, ML
- IEEE S&P’22: Hardening Circuit Design IP Against Reverse-Engineering Attacks (First author) [Paper]. Keywords: IP Theft, LogicLocking HardwareSecurity, HardwareObfuscation, LogicEncryption, ProvableSecurity, Cryptography
- CODASPY’21: Brittle Features of Device Authentication (Second author) [Paper]. Keywords: ML, DeviceAuthentication, Attack.
- CCS’17: Standardizing Bad Cryptographic Practice - A teardown of the IEEE P1735 standard for protecting electronic-design intellectual property (First author) [Paper]. Researach led to 7 CVEs, and has also been featured in The Register, threatpost, The Hacker News, and other cybersecurity news publications. Keywords: HardwareSecurity, IEEEStandard, P1735, Attack.